Your Visit

Whether you are attending a weekly service, a wedding or one of our many community and fundraising events throughout the year we’d love to see you!
For more details on your visit, please see the information below.


St Mary’s is approximately a 10 minute drive from Wellingborough. We can be easily accessed just off the A45 and A14.
The 48 and 50 bus routes pass through Finedon.

Church of St Mary the Virgin
Church Hill


Despite being a listed building we want to make sure that our building can be accessed and experienced by as many people as possible.

Step-free access into the churchyard is via the main drive and through the Lychgate. At the western end of the church we have permanent level access into the Church building. Blue wayfinding markers in the churchyard will direct you to this entrance should you require it.

We have an induction loop fitted within the church for those with assistive listening devices. For the best coverage we recommend those who wish to utilise this system sit in the southern front block of pews, please speak to a sidesperson or verger should you require more information. Clergy, readers and those delivering announcements use our microphone system as much as possible.

We are unable to offer assistive listening aids during weekday morning services due to these taking place in the Lady Chapel which does not have an induction loop fitted.

Should you require other provisions such as large print service sheets, sign language interpreters, or dedicated seating please contact either of the Church Wardens. We are happy to work with you to discuss your access requirements, however we cannot guarantee everyone’s needs can be met.

We look forward to welcoming you soon!