Special Services

As part of our journey through the liturgical year St Mary’s holds a number of services outside of our weekly pattern of worship.
Special Services are centred around seasonal Church Festivals.

To celebrate Holy Week we held daily evening services, as well as Stations of the Cross, Maundy Thursday Service followed by Stripping of the Altar and a short service featuring music from The Crucifixion which saw our choir joined by visiting singers to bring this piece of music to our congregation. More recently we held a Service of Confirmation for candidates within our congregation, this was presided over by the Bishop of Brixworth.

Licensing Service of Revd Morna Simpson

We are excited to announce that on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 7:30pm Revd Morna Simpson will be licensed into the office of Vicar of St Mary the Virgin Finedon. We look forward to welcoming Morna and her family as she begins her ministry within our Parish.

In September shortly after welcoming a new incumbent into our community, we will join together to say thank you and celebrate a milestone for one of our retired priests, Fr Stan Howarth. During our 9:30am service of Holy Communion on Sunday 29th September our service will be held in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Fr Stan’s Ordination.

We are beyond grateful to Stan for his support, guidance and assistance during two periods of interregnum and we are pleased that he has chosen to mark this moment in his life with us here in Finedon.

We look forward to welcoming you!