September 2024 – Message from the Churchwardens

From the September 2024 Parish Magazine

We are both truly thankful to those who continue to offer us as new churchwardens support and guidance. In the next few days we will be welcoming the Rev’d Morna as our new incumbent at St Mary’s. We hope that you will join us for this special occasion on Wednesday 4th September at 7.30pm.

With too many to list, we must offer out heart felt thanks to everyone who played any part in ensuring that the induction service is a beautiful, fitting and a memorable occasion that truly shows Finedon at its best in the welcome we have given to both Morna and Becky. I doubt that St Mary’s will have seen so many clergy at any one time before in it’s history.

There is much to do in making sure the church is first and foremost a part of the community of Finedon. Working collectively together we hope that everyone will be part of our journey, walking in faith together and we wish Morna well as she takes up her new role both as vicar of Finedon and Curate Training Officer at Bouverie Court Diocesan Education Office.

We must pay tribute to all the clergy that have provided us with assistance in ensuring that we were able to continue with all of our Sunday and midweek services. There are too many to list, but we especially thank Fr Stan and Kathryn for their unfaltering support. We would have been truly the poorer without their faithful guidance. At the 9.30 Eucharist on 29th September, the feast of St Michael and All Angels, not only will we be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Fr Stan’s Ordination as priest, but also to thank him for his support and guidance over the last years. We hope that you will all be able to share this milestone with him. Everyone will be warmly welcome at this special service with refreshments afterwards.

Over the last month or so we have had occasional visitors at church who have just visited by chance. Fortunately, there have been people about in church and our visitors have been so grateful that they have been able to look around. They are always astounded by it’s size and impressed by it’s splendour, with everyone commenting on how beautiful the churchyard is kept. This has sown a seed of how we might be able to have the church open more often to accommodate more visitors or for people just to sit in peace and quiet to connect with God.

We also excited for our flower festival from the 13th to 15th of September and look forward to seeing everyone there over the weekend which will culminate with a festival evensong service on the Sunday the 15th at 6pm. Celebrating, not only our church’s birthday but also Holy Cross Day which honours and commemorates the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross for our salvation.

In planning events and special occasions, we are often thinking months ahead. But before Christmas starts knocking on the door, we are also looking to hold a joint Harvest faith supper with our friends at the Independent Wesleyan Chapel on October 6th as we did last year. Keep an eye on the website and Facebook for further information.

So we look forward now to Rev’d Morna’s first services with us, on Sunday 8th and Tuesday 10th September. Then moving forward with widening our engagement with the whole of the community of Finedon.

Churchwardens Julie & Colin