Licensing of Revd Morna

St Mary’s has a new vicar!

The evening of Wednesday 4th September 2024 saw the collation and licensing of the Revd Morna Simpson as Vicar of Finedon and Curate Training Programme Officer with Assistant Vocations Officer.
The service was very well attended by clergy and community with the church filled with over 180 people all there to support and welcome Revd Morna to her new ministry here in Finedon.

The service began with the processional hymn “Be Thou my Vision” where around 70 visiting clergy, a choir of over 20 singers, the Rural Dean, Archdeacon of Oakham, Director of Vocation and Formation, our churchwardens and the Bishop of Peterborough entered the church taking their places for the service.
Following a welcome from Right Reverend Debbie Sellin, Bishop of Peterborough we were treated to a reading from the book of Mathew, selected by Revd Morna and read by former long serving churchwarden Jane Read. The reading centred around the feeding of the five thousand. The events in the reading were then picked up by the Bishop of Peterborough in her sermon which drew wonderful comparisons between new ministry and that particular bible passage.

Before the formalities of the presentation, licensing and induction the choir sang the anthem, “Come Down, O Love Divine” which really showed off their strengths and range, giving those present a taste of our monthly services of choral evensong.
Revd Morna was then presented to the Bishop by Archdeacon Alison representing Morna’s role as vicar of Finedon and by Revd Canon Haydon Spencely for Morna’s work within the vocations team. After being presented Revd Morna took a declaration and swore oaths of allegiance and canonical obedience before signing her licence.

Then came time for the induction, an active part of the service where Revd Morna was led around the church building by the Archdeacon and Churchwardens, being presented with keys to the church ensuring that our doors are open to all, then to the church bells which Morna rung to proclaim our churches presence within Finedon. It is rumoured that the number of times the incumbent rings the bell is the number of years they intend to stay in post, how many did you hear?

After ringing out the bells, Revd Morna was greeted at the font by Julie Spikesley representing the Independent Wesleyan Chapel here in Finedon, and was handed a pitcher of water signifying the baptism of new members of our church community. The procession then travelled to the lectern to receive a bible, the chancel step to receive holy oils and then up to the alter where Revd Morna was welcomed the Fr Stan Howarth as well as being presented with bread, wine and a prayer book by Freya and Alexa. The procession concluded with Revd Morna being installed in her stall beside the chancel screen.

After the induction and installation it was time to welcome Revered Morna to Finedon, various individuals from the community including uniformed organisations, the town council and Finedon Schools introduced themselves and gave their best wishes to Revd Morna and Becky as they begin life here in Finedon. This even included an invitation to follow in the footsteps of past incumbents by treading the boards at next years annual pantomime! Oh yes she will!
The welcomes concluded with Revd Canon Haydon Spencely welcoming Revd Morna to the vocations team.

The service concluded with prayers and the recessional hymn “We Have a Gospel to Proclaim” announcing good news to all that Revd Morna Simpson was now officially Vicar of Finedon! Following the service there was an incredible spread of refreshments provided by the Fundraising and Events committee, including a fruit salad in the shape of Revd Morna and Becky’s pet tortoise Mother Julian!

On behalf of all those at St Mary the Virgin, we offer a huge and heartfelt welcome to Revd Morna and Becky! Thank you to all those who came to support the beginning of a new chapter here at St Marys and to all those dedicated individuals who worked to ensure the service was such a success. We are truly blessed to have such an active church community here in Finedon, it was a privilege to stand beside you all representing our community in front of the Bishop of Peterborough and wider family within the diocese.