This year during Lent and Easter we are reflecting on the themes of “Living Hope”. We are encouraging you to deepen your roots by connecting with God.

The Lent we invite you to journey with us as we follow in the footsteps of Christ’s final days. We hope you will take time to reset and rediscover your roots through a period of prayer, reflection and sacrifice.

As well as marking the crucifixion and resurrection, we at St Mary’s treat Lent as a period of reflection and prayer, to this end we will be running a daytime and evening prayer group throughout Lent.

Our doors are open to you this Lent and Easter. We look forward to sharing reflections and celebrations with you.

Services and Events

-Start of Lent-

Tuesday 4th March, Shrove Tuesday
11am, Holy Communion

Wednesday 6th March, Ash Wednesday
7pm, Service

Thursday 7th March
7pm, Lent Prayer Group

Sunday 9th March
9:30am, Sung Eucharist

-Week 1-

Tuesday 11th March
11am, Holy Communion
3pm, Lent Prayer Group

Thursday 13th March
7pm, Lent Prayer Group

Sunday 16th March
9:30am, Sung Eucharist
2pm – 4pm, Family Funday (Mission Room)

-Week 2-

Tuesday 18th March
11am, Holy Communion
3pm, Lent Prayer Group

Thursday 20th March
10am – 12pm, Coffee Morning (Mission Room)
7pm, Lent Prayer Group

Sunday 23rd March
9:30am, Sung Eucharist

-Week 3-

Tuesday 25th March
11am, Holy Communion
3pm, Lent Prayer Group

Thursday 27th March
7pm, Lent Prayer Group

Sunday 30th March, Mothering Sunday
9:30am, Sung Eucharist

-Week 4-

Tuesday 1st April
11am, Holy Communion
3pm, Lent Prayer Group

Thursday 3rd April
7pm, Lent Prayer Group

Saturday 5th April
10am – 12pm, Craft & Chat

Sunday 6th April
9:30am, Sung Eucharist
6pm, Evensong

-Week 5-

Tuesday 8th April
11am, Holy Communion
3pm, Lent Prayer Group

Thursday 10th April
7pm, Lent Prayer Group

Sunday 13th April, Palm Sunday
9:30am, Sung Eucharist

-Holy Week-

Monday 14th April
7pm, Compline

Tuesday 15th April
11am, Holy Communion
7pm, Compline

Wednesday 16th April
7pm, Compline

Maundy Thursday, 17th April
10am – 12pm, Coffee Morning
7pm, Service

Friday 18th April, Good Friday
2pm, Service of the Cross (Churchyard)

Sunday 20th April, Easter Sunday
5:30am, Easter Vigil
9:30am, Sung Eucharist

6pm, Choral Evensong


Church Open 10am—2pm
Monday-Sunday in Holy Week


In addition to the above events and seasonal services we hold a sung Eucharist service every Sunday at 9:30am and a spoken service of Holy Communion every Tuesday at 11am.