We have a very strong musical tradition at St Mary the Virgin with hymns and sung responses woven through some of our services. Those who prefer spoken worship are catered for at our weekday morning service of Holy Communion.
Our Choir robe up and lead the sung aspects of the weekly 9:30am Sunday service of Holy Communion, at which they frequently sing anthems during communion, on top of this they are joined by visiting singers for our monthly Evensong which is typically held on the first Sunday of each month.
Currently our choir are led by Interim Choir Manager, Kathryn Howarth. Kathryn is supported by a number of regular visiting organists and a Pianist who accompanies weekly choir practice.
Choir practice is held every Friday evening in Church with additional rehearsals held on an ad-hoc basis surrounding major Festivals and evensong.
Outside of our worship members of the choir have participated in the annual Peterborough Diocesan Choral Festival at the Cathedral, sung services within other Churches, and held special services of sung worship further afield such as at Canterbury Cathedral.