August 2024 – Message from the Churchwardens

From the August 2024 Magazine

July has been a slightly quieter month in terms of church activities and events. For the churchwardens however it seems to have been very busy trying to find our way through not just the weekly requirements for services and many of the other aspects of being a churchwarden. We are ever thankful to all those around us for the help, support and guidance they provide.

As with any building, but especially one that is nearly 700 years old, it is in constant need of some TLC and keeping on top of maintaining this wonderful church is an ongoing task. A couple of the key areas currently in need of urgent attention, like the sacristy roof which is currently leaking and requires repairing to prevent additional damage, then the clock, as many of you have noticed and commented about missing the regular chime. This repair however is bigger than expected and is likely to cost around £6,000. We are currently looking at available grants and funding options that we might be able to apply for to help with this. If anyone has any ideas or information that would help with this, then we would welcome your support!

We have recently submitted the final faculty application for the reordering of the church. As you may well appreciate, completing the documentation to make alterations to the inside of the church is not a simple process, this has been the final chapter of a plan conceived over 14 years ago to provide a more user friendly and functional space within the church, meeting current day requirements. We have also had an inspection by the Diocese to make sure that everything is in order and that all the processes and procedures are being followed. these would normally be guided by the incumbent, but fall to the churchwardens during any period without a priest.
You will be pleased to know that we passed with flying colours, so thanks to Jane, Barry and Fr Stan for keeping a steady ship.

We are currently busy planning for the induction of our new priest the Rev’d Morna Simpson on the 4th September. Morna’s induction will be carried out by the Rt Rev’d Debbie Sellin, Bishop of Peterborough, the Archdeacon of Oakham and the Rev’d Haydon Spenceley, Director of Ordinands, as Rev’d Morna’s other role is with the Vocational and Training team for the Diocese.
We hope that you will join us for this special occasion on Wednesday 4th September 7.30pm, to support Rev’d Morna in her new role and really show the community of Finedon at its best. We are also planning another special occasion in September, which will be the celebration service for Fr Stan to recognise the 50th anniversary of his ordination, a milestone indeed! I am sure that he didn’t expect to still be actively performing his ministry as he has in supporting us at St Mary’s when he first started out.
We will be forever indebted to Fr Stan and Kathryn for all the work and guidance they have given us over the last few years.
We pray that August will bless us with some summer weather that it will allow us to take some time out to recharge our batteries in preparation  for September, which is panning to be another busy month. It begins with Rev’d Morna’s induction on the 4th, her first full Sunday service on the 8th, Flower Festival the weekend of the 13th,14th,&15th and then Fr Stan’s celebration on the 29th.

Best Wishes,
Colin and Julie