August 2024 Message from Fr Stan

From the August 2024 Magazine

Fr Stan writes:

When I was preparing for ordination at Salisbury and Wells Theological College in the early 1970s our Principal, canon Harold Wilson  (not the prime minister of the same name), instilled in us the importance of the “Vicar’s Letter” in the parish magazine because, he said, more people will read that than come to church.

The Parish Magazine has an honoured place:  it used to be the main means of communication for the local church and it is good that Finedon St Mary’s still has one – grateful thanks to all who contribute to it. I hope that today’s ordinands in their courses receive training not only how to write for their parish magazine but also how to best use forms of communication that did not exist fifty years ago. Then a parish website was not even a dream.  Now it is often a parish’s main means of communication.
But both the magazine and website play second (and third ?) fiddle to the best form of communication – the spoken word.  How often in the Holy Bible do we read that God spoke to his people!  Through his people, through the prophets, and ultimately through Himself as Jesus Christ. I am reminded of a phrase from the Prayer Book service of Holy Communion: “Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Christ saith unto all that truly turn to him”. Jesus speaks of God’s love. There are probably no greater words that can be said than  “I love you”. That’s what God says to each and every one of us.
But those words “I love you” need a response:  I love you. We will come to know the fullness of God’s love when we respond to him “I love you”.

God does love you. Let God love you and you love God.

Fr Stan