June 2024 – Message from the Churchwardens

From the June 2024 Magazine

We write this as your new churchwardens.
It is a great honour to have been voted into this position at the APCM at the end of April. We legally take up our position on the 25th June once we attend the Admissions Service and make our statutory declaration. We will serve the church and its parishioners to the best of our abilities.
Although we have been working in the background with Jane and Barry, which we are very thankful for, there is still much to learn and take on board. We are sure we won’t get everything right all the time while navigating our way through the mysteries of the role of a churchwarden. We are only human after-all!
We sincerely thank both Jane and Barry for their service over the years and especially over the last few difficult years. We know however, that we can call on them for advice and guidance. It was very fitting that on the day Jane stepped down as a long serving churchwarden, she was also able to announce with joy the appointment of our new priest the Reverend Morna Simpson who takes up her role from the 4th September.
We are truly thankful to Father Stan, who continues to serve and support us at St Marys.
They say God works in mysterious ways. We are sure that He was instrumental in guiding Stan and Kathryn to Finedon, unbeknown to them how pivotal a role they would play in the life of our church so soon after joining our church community.
So, as we all journey through this new chapter at St Marys, please feel free to stop us and have a chat. We both welcome thoughts and ideas that people would like to see or do as part of the church life at Finedon. We look forward to seeing you at the various events planned over the coming months, all detailed in this magazine, including the Watoto Childrens Choir (5th June), British Legion D-Day Celebrations (6th June), Pimm’s, Punch & Popular Music( 23rd June ) and the Church Fete (29th June).
So, we leave you with this prayer:

May God give us grace to serve him with cheerfulness and humility;
may Our Lord Jesus Christ be with us in all we do in His service;
and may the Holy Spirit guide and direct our path throughout the coming year,
that we may fulfil our office to the glory of God and for the good of his people.