From the November 2024 Parish Magazine
This year’s Harvest services produced a bumper crop, not only of produce but also for attendance in church. Including the Sunday morning communion service, the joint Harvest Supper and Songs of Praise with the Wesleyan Chapel and the schools’ Harvest service. There were over 769 people who were welcomed and experienced the Lord’s presence in our cold but wonderful church.
The adventure started on Sunday morning when people arrived for worship with a host of fresh, dried and tinned produce which was displayed around the church. In addition, we found an array of photos scattered over the floor and we were encouraged to select one that we related with or found poignant.
Rev Morna used these images within her sermon, getting us to focus and be mindful, so that we could take time to pause and reflect on life and our relationship with God using an image to help us to focus and pray.
On Sunday evening, we welcomed our friends from the Wesleyan Chapel to a harvest supper with a wonderful spread of bring and share, and share we did, with enough food left over for people to take home for lunch the next day. The evening concluded with a joint service of songs and readings and offerings accepted by Rev Morna from members of both the Chapel and St Mary’s which were displayed on the altar.
On Tuesday, a smaller congregation worshiped in our temporary chapel in the little room, to keep warm due to a problem with our heating system. It was a cosy but intimate focus, worshiping God and thanking him for what he provides for us.
Our services culminated with the schools’ Harvest service, with both infant and junior schools in attendance and so many parents that it was standing room only! Rev Morna was bowled over by having so many people in church it gave the service a real buzz.
The children were fantastic and ran the service under the direction of the head teacher with various hymns, readings, poems and songs, including the Big Red Combine Harvester sung by the infant school pupils, definitely my favourite!
This was topped off by two infant children wheeling a garden cart into church full of the produce that they and others had grown on the schools allotment plot under the guidance of Sue and Bud Abbott. The service was closed with a prayer from Rev Morna who got everyone to put their hands in the air to catch the blessing and hold it in their heart.
All the produce collected was bundled into the churchwarden’s car and taken to the Daylight Centre who operate the local food bank. In appreciation, they sent a letter of thanks to the congregation which will be displayed in church, but in summary;
The Daylight Centre food bank extends its heartfelt appreciation to you and the congregation for the donation from the harvest festival.
Donations are enabling us to continue to deliver quality services during a time when we need it most. This year so far we have been able to help 1,957 households and put together 1,276 rough sleepers’ packs.
The Daylight Centre continues to be overwhelmed by the generosity of local churches, businesses and local people and we are so grateful.
We look forward to the future, confident in the knowledge that we are blessed,. God is our provider, and he will sustain us!
So, thank you once again for your support we do appreciate it. May God bless you all, honour you keep you in the best of healthWarmest Regards
Angie Lyall Foodbank Administrator
It really was a thrilling week of Harvest celebrations, and we are grateful to everyone who came out to support not only our community here at St Mary’s but those in the wider community who are in need.